Frequently Asked Questions 

1. When can I apply for a grant?

The Virginia Environment Endowment (VEE) accepts grant proposals for the Virginia Program twice a year by June 15 and by December 1. Applications for the James River Water Quality Improvement Program are due once a year by June 15. Applications for the Community Conservation Program are due once a year by January 15.

2. What does VEE look for in a grant application?

VEE is interested in using its resources to make a lasting difference in the environment through the work of our partners.  Therefore, the application should be consistent with our priorities and have a reasonable chance of producing tangible results such as on-the-ground impacts or policy changes or improvements.  We encourage collaborations and collective impact and, whenever possible, look for organizations with a demonstrated track record of success.  We also favor proposals that have cash matches and the potential to leverage continued support from other sources.  We look for proposals that have regional or statewide significance.  Some additional factors include: need for the project; feasibility and cost; qualifications of the organization and people involved; expectations of specific results that will improve the quality of the environment; ability to be replicated or serve as models.  Grant funds are not provided for litigation, general support, overhead, indirect costs, capital projects, land purchases, building construction or renovation, endowments or to individuals.

3. If successful, when will the grant funds become available?

The VEE Board considers the December proposals at its spring meeting (normally in April).  The June proposals are reviewed at the fall meeting (October).  Successful grantees typically receive the first installment of funds shortly thereafter, once the grant agreement is completed.

4. What are VEE’s reporting requirements?

In general, grantees report on progress quarterly.  Grant funds are released after reports are submitted and reviewed.  A final report is due at the end of the project with greater detail and financial reports.

5. Is there a specific application form that I must use?

For the Virginia Program there is not currently a specific application form; check the Proposal Submission page for proposal requirements. On the James River Water Quality Improvement Program page, there is a detailed Application for Funding Consideration (Word doc) for that program. See the Community Conservation Program page for specific proposal and application requirements for that program.

6. Can I submit my proposal online?

Although VEE does not have online applications, VEE does require applicants to submit their application via email. For the Virginia Program, please email a copy of the application documents to, as a Word document.  For the James River Water Quality Improvement Program, please do the same to  And for the Community Conservation Program, also do the same to

7. Does VEE accept unsolicited proposals?

Yes, but all prospective grantees are encouraged to submit applications that are consistent with VEE’s priorities and according to the application deadline schedules. However, VEE does not accept unsolicited pure research proposals. VEE will consider proposals for applied research that have a direct tie to policy outcomes consistent with VEE’s priorities but only upon review of a one-page Letter of Intent received at least four weeks prior to the application deadline. After review of the Letter, VEE will notify an applicant of whether it may submit a full proposal.

8. Do you give grants to causes other than the environment?

There are over 80,000 foundations and endowments in the United States, and although VEE is one of only a handful that focuses exclusively on environmental grant-making and was the first in the nation to do so in 1977, there are hundreds of other foundations that make environmental grants. Many can be found through the Environmental Grantmakers Association ( Also, there is a Chesapeake Bay Funders Network ( operating in the region that includes VEE and several other grant-makers.